Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pouring Concrete

  1. When pouring concrete, the most important part is removing air bubbles that can make the concrete more porous and reduce the overall strength of the concrete.
  2. Using trowels for pads, tamp down the concrete. You will see air bubbles and water start to rise to the surface. Continue moving the concrete around during the entire pour. Make sure the concrete makes its way against the form, especially the corners.
  3. For pours into vertical forms, use a stick to tamp down the concrete. Knock against the sides of the form during the pour to make sure the concrete completely fills the form and air pockets release to the surface.
  1. A flat board can be used to finish the form. The board brings air pockets to the surface and creates a clean smooth surface.
  2. Once the concrete has cured a little (15 minutes or more depending on weather) you may return with metal trowels to finish smoothing the top surface.
  3. Keep the concrete moist and covered for the next 24 hours. There is a chemical process in curing the concrete that needs moisture for the chemical reaction to occur.

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