Monday, August 22, 2011

Designing Principle Valve Boxes

Why is it Needed
The principle valve boxes will be located throughout the community and serve to isolate parts of the system for maintenance purposes. If your system does not have any shutoff valves, this is a good investment in the system as it makes maintenance quicker and has less impact on the community.

If the valve is located in a high-traffic area, the valve box should be robust enough to protect against tampering from children, livestock, or vandalism. Consider having the top locked. A simple nut and bolt should be enough to deter tampering. The water committee should keep the correct crescent wrench for opening the valve box.

The valve box could be a concrete box that sits in a hole in the ground and can be accessed without digging. Besides deterring vandalism, it also helps protect from any accidental machete or livestock damage. It also helps designate where the valve is located so that no digging is necessary to find the valve.


In general, the point is to protect the valve without having the valve buried.  A simple concrete slab resting over a hole in the ground could work or a box as shown above.  There are many different design options that serve the same purpose.

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