Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thermoforming Flow Reducers

  1. Cut a 6” piece of larger diameter tube (at least 1-1/2”).
  2. Cut a slit down the length of the tube.

  1. Place the tube with the slit in the oil. You'll want to hold the piece with a pair of pliers so that the entire piece can be placed in the oil.
  2. Once the tube has opened up into a flat sheet, quickly remove the PVC and place between two flat boards.
  3. Press the two boards firmly together for 15 seconds.
  4. With a pair of pliers, remove the flat plastic piece and quench in water for 15 seconds.
  5. Dry and clean with cloth.
  1. Using a drill with hole saw attachment, drill through the plastic into a board underneath.
Note: It is hard to find hole saws with a guide besides the 1/4” drill bit. When looking at pressure in your system, make sure to run NeatWork software with only 1/4” flow reducers. If you cannot have a system only using 1/4” flow reducers, you will need to drill a larger hole once you have made the flow reducer. You will need to use a larger drill bit and some type of clamping mechanism from keeping the flow reducer from moving while drilling.

  1. Here is the finished flow reducer. Clean with a file before installing.

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